Halli MacNab



Halli MacNab is a Professional Coach in private practice and holds an MCC credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF).  She is passionate about coaching and is Past President of the Vancouver Island Chapter of the ICF.  She is also the Past President of the global Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO) which is an education and advocacy group active in maintaining the standards for high quality coach training around the world. 

As president of ACTO, she changed the focus of this global group which advocates for the next generation of coaches, to one of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.  She is always looking to further her education and journey in this area. 

Halli obtained her degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Waterloo and practiced professional engineering in the building design and construction industry for 15 years, before embarking on her second career in professional coaching in 2009.  The switch to coaching was more about pursuing her passion than it was about leaving anything behind.

Halli currently coaches personal and business clients and is also an established Coach Trainer.  She has trained coaches in New York, San Diego, Victoria and Seattle, as well as at the UNFPA in New York City.

She recently formed the Canadian subsidiary of a coach training company in her home town of Victoria, British Columbia and is excited to see more coaches in the world.

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