In the Fall of 2011, based on the JST Coaching Model, the Edge Foundation commissioned and funded the groundbreaking 2 year Edge Foundation Coaching Research Study which demonstrated that college students with ADHD can benefit significantly in the areas of skill, will and self-regulation after receiving coaching services using the JST Coaching Model.
JST Coaching Model for Empowering Youth with ADHD
The JST Coaching Model was born out of a passion for making a positive difference in the lives of young people. As Jodi Sleeper-Triplett writes:
“Coaches are in a unique position to bring joy and fulfillment to the lives of children, teens and young adults. Coaching the whole child, not just the “academic child” or the “athletic child,” is the key to a successful and rewarding coaching experience for the coach and client.”
The model is centered on an individualized plan for success, encompassing all life areas for a positive outlook, improved life balance and well-being. ADHD youth coaching offers support, structure, strategies and skills in the areas of executive functioning, attention, focus while increasing self-confidence, self-advocacy and success in all life areas.
The JST Coaching Model is cited by researchers and academics as the de facto model for coaching ADHD youth.
Jodi Sleeper-Triplett is the co-author of the ADHD Benefits of Coaching Scale (ABCS), which was tested and verified using the JST Coaching Model in a study of exclusively college students.

Coaching Study References:
Field, S., Parker, D.R., Sawilowsky, S., & Rolands, L. (2013). Assessing the impact of ADHD coaching services on university students’ learning skills, self-regulation, and well-being. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 26(1), 67-81.
Parker D., Field, S., Sawilowsky, S. & Rolands, L. (2012). Self-control in postsecondary settings: Students’ perceptions of ADHD college coaching. Journal of Attention Disorders, 17(3), 215-232.
Parker, D.R., Field Hoffman, S., Sawilowsky, S., & Rolands, L. (2011). An examination of the effects of ADHD coaching on university students’ executive functioning. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 24(2), 115-132.
Field, S., Parker, D., Sawilowsky, S., & Rolands, L. (August 2010). Quantifying the effectiveness of coaching for college students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Final report to the Edge Foundation. College of Education, Wayne State University.