ADD ADHD Coach Training ICF approved coach-specific training

Uncover the Process of ADHD Coaching

If it’s October, it must be ADHD Awareness Month!  Time to learn the truth about ADHD and dispel the myths that are holding back people of all ages from getting a proper diagnosis and treatment.  That is what this year’s theme, “Setting the Record Straight,” is all about.  Sharing facts and resources to support individuals with ADHD, their families and friends.

Recently, I had the opportunity to share facts about ADHD Coaching with the experts at the National Resource Center on ADHD (NRC) in Lanham, MD, in preparation for ADHD Awareness Month.  The result is a fantastic video created by Melvin Bogard, the extraordinary Multimedia Communications Specialist at the NRC.  Please watch and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE.

Uncover the Process of ADHD Coaching

Looking for a coach?

Want to learn more about coach training programs to become a coach?

Distance learning – Coaching Teens & College Students with ADHD, starts October 10, 2018

3-day intensive training – Coaching Teens & College Students with ADHD is October 26-28, 2018


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